Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sweet Dreams

- Eurythmics     [click to listen]

Before I get started, I have decided to start titling all my new posts with song titles. Hopefully somewhat relavant and most probably something I enjoy too. This will add a little personal touch to each post that may inspire you to listen to the song.

I have just finished watching a movie called Slipstream. Written and directed by Sir Anthony Hopkins, this was one of the craziest films I have ever seen and I totally recommend this to anyone who enjoys films. And I say FILM and not MOVIE for a reason. I consider there to be a difference between the two. Dude, Where's My Car is a movie, where Requiem For A Dream is a film. I think the difference is self explanitory. Here is the back blurb about the film:

"Academy Award winner Anthony Hopkins writes, directs, and stars in this surreal tale of one man’s journey into a vortex where reality and dreams collide. Aging screenwriter Felix Bonhoeffer (Hopkins) has lived his life in two states of existence—the world of reality and the world inside his head. Hired to rewrite a murder mystery, Felix is baffled when the characters from his movie show up in his life and vice versa. Felix tries to maintain his equanimity as reality and fantasy collide in an increasingly whirling slipstream."

If you are a netflix-er, I think this is definitely worth an add. But here is the disclaimer....This is the MOST confusing film I have ever seen. And I have seen some weird shit. And to top it off, one of the more confusing sections of the film is the part that makes the most sense.

I do not want to divulge too much information about the film (not that it would probably help at all) but I would love to have someone to talk to about this film! So go rent it, download it, pay off the crazy old man who sells dvds out of a suitcase for $5 or do whatever you do to get a hold of this film and sit back and enjoy the journey into the place of your mind that hasn't been used in months. When that is done, give me a call or just reply to this post so I know what you thought.
Enjoy the journey....

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