Monday, September 15, 2008

Basket Case

-Green Day     [click to listen]

Yesterday's movie has got me thinking about dreams. I am one of those people who says I don't dream. And I will disclaim now that I know that "never" is not accurate. I do recall times that I've woken from a dream. BUT, I will say that is not a common occurrence. On the other hand, I DO daydream a lot. I am constantly off vividly picturing randomness. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. Even as I write this I am picturing different scenarios of how my walk to the bus could have played out. Like what if that jackass bumped into me (and almost fell over I might add) responded to my verbal assault with physical retaliation? Would my cane become a nice additional weapon or would I be able to kick his ass without it? My ego gets a little ahead of me sometimes.

Anyway, now that we've tangented a little you can see my point. Is my constantly running imagination compensation enough that I do not require it at night?

Has anyone ever asked you to clear your mind? Think about nothing. Can you? I have tried...and failed miserably. I am either talking to myself or just randomly acknowledging different sounds, feelings, smells etc. And let me tell you, once an enjoyable thought is in my head, there is no overcoming it. I will over-analyze and replay all possible outcomes until something finally draws my attention away. As I write this, I realize that I am sounding more and more psychotic. Haha. Welcome to my head!

Meanwhile, the passengers on my bus are about to revolt against this driver who is sure to kill us all in a horrible least that is what I'm imagining.

So am I just a few short delusions away from a trip to Crazy Town; population me? Or am I just over-exaggerating the whole situation. I'm told I do that.


Anonymous said...

Once in my intro physics class at Syracuse, the instructor brought out a Van de Graff generator and was playing around with it, sparking things like that. I immediately had the very vivid mental picture of the entire demonstration going sci-fi;

He brought a metal probe near the thing and it like shorted out in some crazy weird science way and started flashing the lights in the auditorium, which then immediately blew out and fell to the ground. The crowd sat still for a minute but then when the fires started, they started screaming and running for the doors, and then I think the roof caved in or something but I'm not sure why.

So I don't think you're alone on your overactive imagination ;)

Corbo said...

Wow! And I thought I was weird! hahaha