Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fooling Yourself

-Styx     [click to listen]

How hard is it to stand up and admit when you are wrong? What if you don't know how to do something; can you (forgive the expression) man up and admit it? What about just sticking your ground and saying "This is the way it is because I say so and if you have a problem, you can come to me about it!" Are people that scared that someone, be it a boss, friend or even a stranger will challange or oppose the statement? Put your name on it! Why is there always an excuse; a reason that justified the action?

Nobody wants or likes to be wrong. Personally, I try very hard not to be wrong. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The difference, though, is that I have the balls to stand behind it. I have the ability to admit my shortcomings and take credit for my mistake too. I do not fear being judged. If I cared what people thought about me, I would never had a mohawk or tattoos or died my hair blue. You don't agree? Fine with me. But don't tell me I'm wrong because we don't agree. It was my opinion that my action was just and accurate. That is the beauty of an opinion! If you can show me why or how I went wrong, maybe I will agree and maybe not. But I still made my own decision based on my own feelings, and not out of fear of a unlikely but possible outcome.

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