Wednesday, September 17, 2008


- Fuel     [click to listen]

So today was my doctor's appointment and I have now received my first of 3 injections into my knees.  And can I say.....OW!!!  I strolled into the doctor's office around a quarter to 9 this morning, BEFORE my coffee I might add and the nurse sets out the assortment of toys on the counter.  So of course I took a picture.

So the procedure consisted of two shots per knee. First, he marked out the injection points and cleaned the area with a series of alcohol wipes and what looked like iodine.  Next came the first shot which was the local anesthetic.  Completely painless. Next was the actual injection: Synvisc.  Left knee first.  My doctor tells me to take a deep breath in, and then as I release he injects the needle and all of it's goodness.  I barely felt a thing!  It was great!  Next up....right knee.  Same thing, deep breath ("Yeah, ok Doc,  I don't need to do this shit for such a minor discomfort!") and in goes the needle and all I can say is "Ow! Shit...Ow! Ow! Ow!  Apparently, my right knee was not a fan of the Synvisc.  The doctor explains that even though my left knee is my "bad" knee, my right knee had been giving me pain lately, which means that it was more irritated, hence the more pain.  Thankfully, I had my can with me in the office or I would never have been able to get out of the office. 

So now I have to limp back to my car and floor it to the bus stop so I can get into work only an hour late!  This is really fun with numb swollen knees.  You've got to try it.

In case you are curious about what exactly I had injected into my knees, here is a little diagram that I took off the pamphlet I was given.  Basically, what this Synvisc does is go into the cavern of the knee and fills in all of the gaps and holes caused by my deteriorating cartilage.  This helps against any further cartilage damage as well as adds a little cushioning to the joint.  And hopefully, it should also help aid along some new cartilage.  The typical time period in which I should notice results vary from instant to 8ish weeks.  The results can also last anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple years.  It will all just depend on how my body reacts to the Synvisc.  

Like I had said previously, my number 1 concern is to be able to stand up on my wedding day.  If it wears off after then, surgery is only a phone call away.  But there is no way I will consider anything of the sort before May 16.  So I guess now we just wait. 

It is now 5:45pm and I'm feeling pretty good.  I am still a little swollen and definitely still very sore.  But there is a sensation of no pain.  I know that sounds weird but you need to realize that I have not, not had knee pain in.  I don't know if I can actually remember the last time I wasn't concerned about it.  It had to be High School.  I'm still not sure if there is some sort of placebo effect going on or if the numbness or swelling is causing this different sensation but I am very pleased so far.  Even if this is the best it gets, it is so much better than yesterday.  Here's hoping....

Now, since I am the dork I am, I took a pic of the injection.  I saved this till the end since a lot of people hate needles and such so if that is you...DON'T SCROLL ANY LOWER!!  (Sorry if its too late already!)  For anyone else that is interested.  Enjoy!

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