Thursday, September 11, 2008

Never Forget??

I did have a big plan about writing about September 11 and my thoughts about today and 7 years ago...But I just really don't feel like it anymore. My only input on the subject tonight is that people stop using the phrase "Never Forget." Is this really a concern? Do people really think that someone will just forget that hundreds of people died from a terrorist attack on our country?? Give me a break. I couldn't forget about it if I tried, let alone the unfortunate people who were more closely effected. With every newspaper, magazine, television and carrier pigeon spewing non-stop images, stories, theories or memorials how would one go about forgetting? 9-11 has become an excuse for false patriotism and pity. Saying it fucking sucked is a huge understatement and I do not mean to take anything away from the suffering that derived from the loss on September 11, 2001, but there is a certain level of decency and respect that I feel has been forgotten by the population to make room for over saturated media bullshit and ignorant conspiracy theories. Of course those who were part of this tragedy deserve our thoughts and prayers (if that is your schtick) but never forget, there have been many lives lost over many years for many reasons before this day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It really is a shame that "9-11" became a brand name, and it's even more shameful that it became a political slogan.

You're right, nobody will ever forget.