Friday, September 5, 2008

Power Off...

It is Friday, I'm almost on my way home and my mental functions have officially stopped. Even though this has been a short week, today has been a long ass day. No more dealing with stupid people with stupid questions! Hooray! So now all I have to worry about is getting to the doctor. Just made an appointment for Tuesday. I am really not looking forward to it at all because every time I go to the Dr. lately, I either learn of a new problem or get told there is nothing they can do about my old problems. I just can't take the pain anymore. There is no reason why a 26 year old should be in as much physical pain on a daily basis as I am. Today I was using my kick ass new cane (thanks to Sasha's dad who made it for me) and I was immediately treated different by people on the street. I'm not really sure if that is a good thing. Maybe it is just me being a pessimist, but I take it as pity or sympathy and not as a good-natured deed. I'm sure that I am just blowing things out of proportion but that's what I do.

But on a happier note, I might have made a contact to get a new job. I know I've said this before and ended up jinxing myself but I'll just have to see how this pans out. If anyone knows of a job or needs a photo retoucher....let me know! If I have to stay at my current job too much longer, I'm going to lose my mind.

Okay...Bus time, almost. I will leave you with this lovely photo I took on lunch the other day outside of MSG. Enjoy!

If you cant read it..."Need money to get drunk so that 2 women can take me home and molest me! Donations accepted at"

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