Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It's been a long hard day so I have a few random topics to talk about. First off, I did in fact go to the doctor today. And the news was not as bad as I expected but also not as good as I was hoping for. Too keep things short, I will have to go for a series of three injections into both knees. This injection should hopefully releave a lot of pain. It will take about 6 weeks from the first injection (next week) for me to notice a significant change so I guess I'll just have to sit back and trust that it will help. Apparently my mom has ad these same shots and it worked well for her. So there is hope. The alternative, however, is MAJOR knee surgery. Doc said that it could entail reshaping bone, cutting muscles or tendons and other fun sounding procedures. That severley scares me. I have two simple goals; I want to be able to stand up next to Sasha on our wedding day without knee braces or pain and I want to be able to play with our potentially adorable children. These are not outrageous requests. Anyway, I will keep you posted as to future knee related progress.

Next I just have a request to any tourists or people wandering NYC. If you don't know how to walk in a city like manhattan then get the fuck out of my way!! I don't understand why walking is such a difficult procedure. My trip to Best Buy today was such a pain in the ass.

But speaking of Best Buy, I stopped by today to pic up Mitch Hedberg's new CD. This is the first release after he passed away. If you haven't heard his comedy it us worth a listen. This cd isn't his best work but it is basically because this performance was not intended for release but he didn't live long enough to perform the show he had planned. This was put together from a show in '05. R.I.P. Mitch.

The last thing on my mind (and by on my mind I mean the notepad that I jotted down my topics on) is while sitting at my desk today I received an email from PayPal with my monthly statement. First off, I did not use PayPal this month. I then receive a second invoice from them. In a matter of minutes I apparenlty paid SKYPE £10 which is around $19.00. WHAT THE FUCK??!! After calling India for support, I get them to cancel the transactions but now I'm nervous. Some of you may know that my creditcard number was stolen and used online a couple of months ago and I really do not want to go through that again. So I want to cancel my paypal but I can't because of these pending transactions! Grrrr.

Is it possible to Ctrl-Z life?? Anyone? I cannot handle this much depression in such a short period of time.

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