Friday, September 26, 2008


-Save Ferris

I would consider myself a tall person. Last I knew, I measure around 6'2". I know I'm taller than average. But I encountered something weird this evening on my way to the bus. I found myself walking next to a guy who was easily 6'6". Four inches...big whoop! (That's what she said.) by I truely felt like I was so small. I don't just mean in comparison to him, but in the world. It was like I temporarily lost the knowledge of my height. I could have easily been 5' tall my whole life. It was truely an odd sensation. Once I was no longer next to this man, I felt fine again.

So now it has got my brain thinking, is this a common occurance among all heights of people or must I deflect back to the blanket statement of Damn! I am really fucking weird!

Happy Friday.

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