Monday, September 8, 2008

It's time for a little Girl Talk

No I am not talking about sitting around gossipping about boys and pillow fighting. Not that we won't be doing that at a later time. The Girl Talk I am referring to is a 20-something year old who has created some really kick ass music. If that isn't enough to sell you on it, then you tell me where else you will find a song that seamlessly combines artists like Emimem, Britney Spears, AC/DC, Ace of Base, Daft Punk, LEN, Missy Elliot and DOZENS of more artists into a musical experience you will not believe. Who would have known that rap and hip hop would mesh so well with songs such as "Come on Eileen?" I'll tell you who...Girl Talk. It is like he took my iPod and remixed the whole thing together. And I know some of you will not think that is a good thing but trust me. So you may be sitting there saying "But where can I go partake in this awesome-ness? I bet it costs a lot of money." You can start off by opening up google and searching for Girl Talk. Within the top 5 results will be his mySpace page. Open that link and you will be able to download the latest album. Now, here is the kicker.....the price. It will cost you WHATEVER YOU WANT!! If youwant to pay $15.00 for the "Holy Shit" listening experience, that's great. If you want to pay NOTHING, that is okay too! So go and download this album and throw it on your iTunes or winAmp or whatever and hit play. It's okay, I'll wait......

SEE!? What did I tell you? Now, if you like it as much as I do, you jump back on that Internet and find a torrent or something of the rest of his musical collection. There is around 4 albums and 2 vinyls as well as a live performance. So happy listening and let me know I'd I'm just crazy or if you enjoy this too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted gossip :(

Yeah Girl Talk is fun, if you can make it past the usual expectation to hear one song for a few minutes. It can be a little schizophrenic but it's creative for sure.