Tuesday, October 28, 2008


- Crash Test Dummies     [click to listen]

It's dark out.  I can barely see the road if not for the blinding lights of the oncoming cars.  Tired and sluggish I sink into my seat.  Where is this journey taking me?  I don't know what is in store for me at the next exit let alone the next mile, but we keep moving.  The rain gets louder as the echoing pierces through my headphones and drowns out my iPod.  Not that I was really listening to it anyway.  Too many thoughts in my head.  The fire in my throat worsens.  Slow down; is this my exit? Nope.  Keep going.  Where am I?  The driving conditions are getting worse.  The rain seems to fall from every direction.  Soccer moms and douche-bag dads fly in and out of their lanes without a care in the world.  Are they that foolish or am I for being so judgmental?  My headache tags in, out steps my throat for a few rounds.  I cannot keep a single thought.

The brakes are pushed to the floor.  It's too late now; out of control and into the center divider.  Flames shoot out from the sparks created by metal and concrete becoming one.  No airbags...No seatbelts...This is out of my hands now.  Can I regain control and keep on my journey or must I pull over and stop for a while?

Maybe I can find a detour.

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