Friday, October 3, 2008

I Wanna Go Home

-Michael Buble     [click to listen]

So I am hyped up on caffiene after consuming 3x the amount of coffee I usually have. Not to mention the three delicious cupcakes that Tess made. So I leave work with a nice buzz and after a pretty good day looking forward to meeting up with some friends and of course, My Sasha, at home.

So right outside of my building is an entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel and the traffic sucks. No big deal, it's pretty typical. Once I get to the Port Authority I'm sure it will be fine. So I'm walking down 9th Ave. and I am noticing that the next entrance to the tunnel is closed off. Hmmm. Traffic is that bad that they closed the entrance? So I keep going when I realize that there is a police officer at every intersection I cross. So I finally ask one if there is a problem with the tunnel. "Bomb scare or something. Shut down." Okay...First off bomb scare said so nonchalantly. No big deal. JUST a bomb. But that isn't the part that really confused me. "Or something?" Really? I would assume there would be a different procedure for a bomb scare than, I don't know, a pigeon in the road.

I keep going and walk into the Port and I have no ideas on how I'm getting home. I'm 2 steps in the door when I hear that NJ Transit is honoring bus tickets for the train. THE TRAIN!! Son of a Bitch! I now decide it is in my best interest to take the train which means I need to walk the 12 blocks back to where I just came from. Boy am I glad I don't have my cane today!

So I get to Penn Station and it is a mad house. Thousands of bus riders apparently had the same stroke of genius. It takes me a couple minutes but I get to the ticket machines. As soon as I get online, this random girl 25ish grabs my arm. "Mike right?" Ummmmm Yeah. "You know Mike Kaplan right?" Ummmm No. "You're from Suffern though right?" Yeah. "Yeah I thought I recognized you! How are you getting home?" Creepy!! So I rmexplain the whole train thing and she learns that since she has a NJT bus ticket, she doesn't have to wait on line and runs off.

So I get my ticket and get to the train to Secaucus and that is where I now sit. Waiting for the 7:55 to Suffern. Hopefully I do not encounter any more B.S. And I can get home so we can go out! ::sigh:: Sure us a good thing I don't have to pee......DAMNIT!!

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