Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One Step Closer

-Linkin Park [click to listen]

It is time for a pitstop. Get out and stretch. Throw out your trash that has been building up at your feet and do us all a favor and take use of the restroom. I am not pulling over to let you pee on the side of the road like last time. That police officer was not too happy with us.

Feel better? Good. Me too. Now strap in and let's get back to it. With luck we will be there by morning.

Have you ever stopped to think about your life? Where you've come from. Where you are going. This is the hurdle I just cannot seem to clear. There is so much to my past that I just do not know and worse yet, so much of my future that I am too afraid to know. This past Friday, my parents returned from their vacation to Italy. Yeah, I know. I'm jealous too. While traveling the Boot land, they visited the small town where my grandmother (on my father's side) was born. Would you believe it that they found her old house?! My parents had visited to town hall and learned so much information about my grandmother that no one ever knew...including her! We have now learned that her full name was Romilda Rosina Maria Ferruzzi. To be able to uncover such amazing information is too hard for me to process. With a little more research, my parents were able to trace back to my great great great grandparents. This is a part of my family I've never even knew existed. To add a further level to this tower of information, my parents were informed that he still has a living relative in town: my dad's third cousin who they met up with and were invited into her home. The same house that my grandmother was born in; never remodeled or painted. The very same as it was in 1851 when it was built. So overwhelming.

So with this information, I can now apparently apply for dual citizenship! Which probably would have helped when I was trying to get a job in the U.K.

So now I have this new found inquisitive nature to reconnect with my family and my past but have no idea where or how to start.

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