Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Longest Time

- Billy Joel

It's been a while since I've posted anything here. I have a lot of new photos to show off but most of those are on my home computer. So here is the latest from my iPhone.


(Drawn with Brushes app)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Memories Are Made of This

- Dean Martin

The newest addition to my family. My dad's 1966 Oldsmobile 442 Convertible. This car has been a love of mine for a long time and receiving it has really become a bittersweet moment. NOBODY drove this car but my dad. That was just the way it was. But...1 time...a few years ago, I was allowed to drive around the block. That day was amazing! The trip around the block only lasted a couple minutes, but the memories and excitement of that day has been with me ever since.

So when my mom, brother and I wanted to take the car around the block in memoriam of my dad, it was my first opportunity to drive the car as MY car. The car is usually parked under a little tent at the top of the driveway. So I prepared the car and cleared the driveway and finally, started the car. That smells and sounds are heart fills with memories of road trips. Brake pedal down, (to the floor....hmmm) and shifted into reverse. The car rolls forward a little, no big deal, so I hit the gas. I ease out of the tent and to the top of the driveway. Hi mom.....Bye mom!! I quickly realize that I have no brakes. All I can think about is that I HOPE nobody is coming down the street. Thankfully there isn't. I cut the wheel and now I'm driving down my street backwards. I finally get my head together and throw the car in neutral and hit the emergency brake. So I get the car back into the driveway and use the same e-brake maneuver to stop again. My mom's eyes are on fire...."If you EVER drive this car like that EVER again....." "MOM! I don't have any brakes!!" So after a little brake fluid and some minor maintenance, I get the car functional and more importantly the brakes work, so we take a ride. It feels just like that first ride. The wind in my hair and the power beneath my feet. There will be many more days like this to come.

Thanks Dad.

You can expect to see more pictures of the car in the months/years to come. Especially once I begin working on it more. It runs well but still could use some work.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Remembered For Passion

April 27, 2010

Remembered for passion

Bob Baird
Journal News columnist

Frank Corbo only spent a few years in Scouting as a young boy, but when his sons became Cub Scouts, he got hooked, devoting 25 years of effort that made others in the Boy Scout movement regard him as "the Rock in the Rockland District."

Over the years, he applied himself to whatever tasks needed to be done, from riding pack and troop officials to get registration paperwork turned in, to parking cars at Scout events at Camp Bullowa in Stony Point.

His passion was so intense that on Sunday evening, the longtime district commissioner was to have been honored with a lifetime achievement award from the Rockland District of the Hudson Valley Council of Boy Scouts.

But Wednesday, at 65, Frank Corbo lost a two-month battle with illness, just days shy of an honor that would have only punctuated his devotion to youth and the organization he used as a vehicle to touch their lives.

The award was bestowed Sunday evening while Corbo's family greeted friends and many whose lives he touched as a Cub Scout leader, assistant scoutmaster, scoutmaster, and in larger roles helping to inspire and train a generation of scouters, as the Boy Scouts' adult volunteers are known.

His sons, Matthew and Michael, who had been his lure into adult Scouting beginning in1985, thanked the district in a message read to the 165 individuals in attendance at the Casa Mia Manor House, many of them volunteers being honored for their roles in Rockland Scouting.

About two dozen uniformed adult scouters — men and women who like Corbo have devoted their lives to working with Scouts — formed an honor guard outside Sacred Heart Church Monday for his funeral.

They heard Monsignor Joseph R. Giandurco praise Corbo's lifelong effort to help others, saying, "He touched many lives and many people and today, we give thanks for his life."

Matthew Corbo spoke about his father's passion for life, Scouting and his ability to pass both on to others.

He urged the congregation to ask themselves, "What am I passionate about?" and "How can I make the people around me enjoy this, too?"

That's what his father did best, he said, adding that his eagerness to share that passion was what made people remember and respect his father.

In fact, the Rockland District plans to honor Corbo's service by naming the conference room at Camp Bullowa's training center, where monthly district meetings and training sessions are held, in his memory.

Frank Calfa, who became Rockland District commissioner when Corbo moved up to assistant council commissioner, says the honor is fitting. "When I signed up for my first training program, Frank was the shining face at the registration table," he said. "He spent many a day in that training center."

Corbo moved to the role with the Hudson Valley Council, which covers five counties including Rockland, to concentrate on improving communications — something he accomplished in Rockland with help from his son, Michael.

Together, they began the Rockland District website and Corbo went on a crusade to gather as many e-mail addresses as he could, says Assistant District Commissioner Don Schreeck, who spoke about his friend's achievements at Sunday night's awards dinner.

Eventually, that small e-mail list grew to well over 1,000 names, with Corbo using it relentlessly to pump up interest in events among Scouts and in training and planning among adult leaders. It was something he hoped to build upon at the council level.

"His enthusiasm for the program and his dedication to Scouting were clearly evident in all that he did," Schreeck said in making the award presentation Sunday, adding that it was Corbo who inspired him to take on a role as a commissioner.

Marty London, who was an assistant scoutmaster and scoutmaster at the same time as Corbo, says "we just kept bumping elbows," as they worked through many different roles and their friendship grew. "Frank would walk the streets in Suffern every year asking shop owners for support. If you gave $2, he appreciated it as much as if you gave hundreds."

Corbo made his living in the electrical trade for almost 40 years, working his way from an apprenticeship to a general foreman. He also was active in politics, once serving as treasurer of a Democratic Club and in recent years was a member of the Montebello Parks Commission.

For several years, Corbo would bring Boy Scouts to the annual Montebello Day celebration, says commission member Amy Rapoport. More recently, he was instrumental to the success of the Montebello Family Camp-Out, held over Father's Day weekend on the 5-acre Village Hall grounds. The event gives many families their first camping experience, an experience made special by Frank Corbo's leadership.

On Wednesday, not long after Corbo died, the Montebello village board passed a resolution renaming the event in his memory.

Free Bird

- Lynyrd Skynyrd

I feel like I need to get my mind working again. The past few months have probably been the hardest thing that I've ever had to deal with. I still can't believe it. I can barely type this without becoming overwhelmed. My inspiration has left me so suddenly and I feel like I'm standing in a dust cloud.

I've felt inspired lately to start making artwork again. Now it's just a matter of getting it from my head to the paper. We'll see what happens.

Monday, October 19, 2009


-Citizen Cope

I really love this song. I first heard it in the movie Ghost Town (which is hilarious if you haven't seen it.) and I have not been able to shake the song. For such a mellow song, it is really powerful. I highly recommend downloading the album version.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Simple Kind of Life

-No Doubt

We've been back from our honeymoon in Bonaire for a few weeks now and the yearning to return has not faded. I'm not really sure if it is because of the remarkable beauty that the island holds or if I just enjoyed being away from the stresses of my life back in New York. All I know is that this trip has opened my eyes, my heart and my mind.

Two weeks was the perfect amount of time. Since flights in and out of Bonaire are only once a week, it was really special to see the shift of guests rotate from Saturday to Saturday. Sasha and I really felt special that we had so much time with each other to just relax, see the island and dive! dive! dive!

For those of you who are not scuba divers, let me try to explain the wonders of Bonaire. First off, it is a very small island in the southern Caribbean. All of the waters surrounding the island are protected marine park property. This allows for pristine reef growth and animal life. And sadly, even with my brand new underwater camera (aka my new love), the pictures and videos cannot do it justice. I have never seen so many fish in my life; both quantity and diversity. Fish as small as my pinky and fish as big as ME! We saw seahorses, stingrays, sea turtles and squid. Flat fish and round fish. Fish with teeth and fish with feet! The euphoria of being in this world seen by so few is unmatchable by anything I have experienced in my 27 years of life.

There were so many things, on land and underwater, that we don't get to experience on a regular basis. Plants and animals, exotic food, many more than I ever knew existed. I realize I'm going on and on like Bonaire is the best and only place in the world. I guess that is just because I miss it so much. With every day that passes here in NY, I think back to those days when I didn't care if I missed my bus or that somebody fucked up a project I was working on. I didn't have to worry about waking up early or making sure that my shirt was clean or even if I had gotten another email about male penis enlargement. There was not a care in the world be me, my wife and Bonaire.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

So Amazing

-Luther Vandross

What good is an iPhone if you can't use it to take awkward photos yourself?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Theme From A Summer Place

-Percy Faith

Here are a couple photos I took this past weekend when in Orson, Pa. This is my great grandparents house. I love being able to get away here. It is so quiet and calm and really lets me clear my head of any and all things that are bothering me. The only downside is that whenever we do get to go, there is work to be done. I mean, the house is OLD.

Some of the photos are experiments that I have been working on so I hope you all enjoy them. Please let me know, either in the comments or via email, what you think. I have begun focusing a lot on my photography lately so if there is anything you can offer as suggestions or comments, I would greatly appreciate it.

Hopefully, in the weeks to come, I will be able to post more of my older work. Until then....Enjoy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

-The Platters

Sasha and I have been trying to save everything we can to buy a place of our own. However, I was also planning on buyng a new car at some point in 2010. For the past few years, my intention has always been to trade in my Ford Explorer for a new Edge Sport. Such an amazing and comfortable car. As much as I LOVE my Explorer, it is not really practical anymore. But here is my problem:

When the 2010 Mustang was announced, my chin dropped. It was beautiful. And for those of you that don't know, I am a sucker for the Mustang. (Dream Car = 1968 GT 500 Fastback) This car is awesome and I would realy do anything for one. But the Mustang isn't really a family car and not to mention, but isn't the best car in the snow. This means I couldn't trade in the Explorer.

Both the Edge and the Mustang are about the same price so that doesn't help. And I still have that little voice in my head telling me that I have a car that works and I need a house more than a car. But I really love both cars and the house so much that I don't know what to do. Every time I examine the economy and my current situation, I feel like none of the things I want will ever be obtainable.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

1-2-3-4 (Sumpin' New)


I am starting something new with my blog. And today will be that new beginning.

I want to tell you of an amazing company that I have been using. 4 Color Print ( has been a great company both as a individual and as a freelance graphic artist.

I first discovered when I was looking to have my business cards printed. I read the discriptions and settled on their Silkcards. Waterproof, tear-proof, full color...sounds great! Little did I know that the product would fully surpass all of my expectations. Once I started handing out my cards to various friends and clients I realized how much of a conversation starter they were. I ended up hving to hand out 2 to everyone because they all wanted to try to rip them. The word of mouth that spread because of the cards alone was great.

I continued to use for other business cards I had designed over the past few years. Every time I was met with the same great customer service and product quality.

April then rolled around. I was just weeks away from my wedding and was slowly finishing up all of my work but something was missing. I quickly scanned for something I could use. And then I came across the stickers. Perfect! I knew just how to use them. Long story short, they arrived and looked amazing. Unfortunately, the minimum order i was allowed to place was 1000 when i only needed 200. It wasn't until the day before the wedding that I realized what a hit these stickers were. My father-in-law and my uncle somehow got their hands on the leftover stickers and went to town. Every person at the rehersal dinner was required to wear a sticker. This included the waitors, the bar tenders and even the owner of the restaurant. Rumors had it that the stickers even made their way into the kitchen and the bathrooms. Everyone's cars....stickered. The hotel lobby....stickered. What started out as a simple sticker really turned our wedding into a fun filled weekend.

Needless to say, I love 4ColorPrint and now that I have just finished designing new business cards, I cannot wait to have them printed.