Monday, September 28, 2009

Simple Kind of Life

-No Doubt

We've been back from our honeymoon in Bonaire for a few weeks now and the yearning to return has not faded. I'm not really sure if it is because of the remarkable beauty that the island holds or if I just enjoyed being away from the stresses of my life back in New York. All I know is that this trip has opened my eyes, my heart and my mind.

Two weeks was the perfect amount of time. Since flights in and out of Bonaire are only once a week, it was really special to see the shift of guests rotate from Saturday to Saturday. Sasha and I really felt special that we had so much time with each other to just relax, see the island and dive! dive! dive!

For those of you who are not scuba divers, let me try to explain the wonders of Bonaire. First off, it is a very small island in the southern Caribbean. All of the waters surrounding the island are protected marine park property. This allows for pristine reef growth and animal life. And sadly, even with my brand new underwater camera (aka my new love), the pictures and videos cannot do it justice. I have never seen so many fish in my life; both quantity and diversity. Fish as small as my pinky and fish as big as ME! We saw seahorses, stingrays, sea turtles and squid. Flat fish and round fish. Fish with teeth and fish with feet! The euphoria of being in this world seen by so few is unmatchable by anything I have experienced in my 27 years of life.

There were so many things, on land and underwater, that we don't get to experience on a regular basis. Plants and animals, exotic food, many more than I ever knew existed. I realize I'm going on and on like Bonaire is the best and only place in the world. I guess that is just because I miss it so much. With every day that passes here in NY, I think back to those days when I didn't care if I missed my bus or that somebody fucked up a project I was working on. I didn't have to worry about waking up early or making sure that my shirt was clean or even if I had gotten another email about male penis enlargement. There was not a care in the world be me, my wife and Bonaire.

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