Monday, January 12, 2009

Walk Away


Well I haven't written in a while so I figured I would give it a shot again. This will hopefully be a bitch free blogging. 

So for those who do not know, tomorrow I am going for my followup appointment with Dr. Fealy. We will go over my MRI's from last week and finalize plans for my surgery. Which is currently scheduled for January 23. If all goes to plan, the MRI's will show everything perfectly so there are no issues for the surgery. I would like to say that I am fully prepared for this but there is still that part of me that is imagining those worst. I'm not sure if it is possible, but what if things get worse? Or even better, what if the surgery goes perfect and nothing gets better at all?! I am not sure if I am mentally strong enough to deal with that. 

After the surgery, I get a week of down time before heading back to work. That's going to be fun. At least I have the new PS3 at home to keep me occupied. Anyone want to schedule a play date? I really have no idea what the plan is for after. I know I'll be going to PT but not sure when I'm going to start or for how long I'm going to go for. I guess that will all be learned tomorrow or somewhere along this journey.

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