Monday, November 24, 2008

Don't Stop the Music


Short post tonight. I am almost home and I just don't feel like complaining right now. Haha. For all those keeping track, it has been the full 8 weeks since I received my knee injections and I am unfortunately here to say that there has been no improvement. And unfortunately for me, I think they may have even gotten worse. options? I am not really sure to be honest. I just made an appointment to see my doctor on Monday. Maybe it is time to talk surgery. 

I have also been given the name of a NEW doctor. Word around work is that he is very good and has preformed a couple surgeries on employees or their families. I don't know if I am ready to see a newdoctor though. I don't think I could take more bad news from someone new. I guess I'll make a new decision on Monday. All I know is that I really don't like using this cane. 

Wish me luck.

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