Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Born Normal


It's a new day. We have a new President. I really hope Obama can pull off even a fraction of the promises he has made. Especially because I need to buy a house and I cannot currently do it.

So now I am on my way into work. Day three of the worst week I have had in a long time. I got wind of a job opening in NJ but I think I need to pass. It is just not the right time to switc around jobs.

Last thought before we hit the Port Authority, I am going for surgery in 2 days now. Everyone keeps asking if I'm nervous and I'm really not sure. I definetly have my concerns. All of the worst case senarios have been running through my head all week. I guess all I can do now 
is just trust in my doctor that all goes to plan. Wish me luck and I'll post again soon.

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